Staph infection in kids is caused by a group of bacteria called Staphylococcus. There are 40 different types of Staphylococci, where Staphylococcus aureus is the most common one infecting humans. Normally, these bacteria do not cause any illnesses or infections, but an infection may occur if they enter your child’s body through a cut, wound, or scratch. Keep reading this post to understand more about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of staph infection in kids.

What Are The Causes Of A Staph Infection?

Staph infections are caused by the Staphylococcus bacteria that are found in the nose and on the skin of 30-50% of people, including children. In a normal, healthy child, these bacteria do not cause any harm (1). The most common site of their colonization is the anterior nasal vestibule, which is the lower end of the nostrils (2). Other sites of colonization include the skin, hair, and nails. Staph infections occur when there is an open wound or breach in the skin and the bacteria living on the skin enter the body and trigger symptoms. The bacteria could cause various types of infection, depending on the tissue involved (3).

Forms Of Staph Infection

Below are the common forms of staph infection found in children (4).

Signs And Symptoms Of Staph Infection

If your child has a wound or injury, this acts as a doorway for the Staphylococci to cause staph infection. It could lead to the following signs and symptoms (5).

A red, swollen bump or boil around the wound A swollen bump under the skin that is hard on touch Pain around the injury or the boil The skin around the wound becomes warm and tender Formation of a fluid-filled blister in the area Formation of an abscess that leaks pus or yellow-colored fluid and forms a honey-colored crust

If the staph skin infection is not treated, it could spread to other parts of the body and lead to several systemic effects. Below are some of the common signs of exacerbated staph infection in children.

Fever Image: iStock Chills Sleepiness or drowsiness Weakness Headache Loss of appetite Persistent cough Vomiting Diarrhea Low blood pressure and delirium (acute confusion) in case of bacteremia

How Does A Staph Infection Spread?

Staph infections are contagious and can spread from one person to another when in close contact. It commonly occurs in school-going children since they often come in close contact with other children. Since Staphylococci can be found in many parts of the body, staph infections spread among children in the following ways (5).

Touching someone with an active staph infection Inhaling respiratory droplets expelled by an infected person while coughing or sneezing Touching a surface that has the staph bacteria on it Touching a staph-infected wound with bare hands Eating food with unwashed hands that contain staph bacteria Eating food that has been contaminated by staph bacteria

Treatment For Staph Infection

If you suspect your child to have an infection around their wound, visit a pediatrician. The treatment plan for staph infection is often based on the location of the infection, the type of infection, and its severity. Below are the common treatment modalities used to cure staph infections in children (1). The prognosis of the infection will depend on its type and severity. The doctor may prescribe other medications to reduce the symptoms and subdue any discomfort. Certain staph bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), are resistant to conventional antibiotics. The child could be prescribed alternative antibiotics if infected by resistant staph bacteria.

Home Remedies For Staph Infection

There are no specific home remedies for staph infections. However, adequate wound care could reduce the spread of the infection and may even reduce its severity in some cases. Below are the steps to follow at home immediately after the child sustains an open wound (6). Once you have provided basic wound care at home, take your child to a doctor. Gaping wounds could require stitches, while bite wounds and burn wounds could require specialized care and preventive medication.

How To Prevent Staph Infection In Children?

Staph infections in children can be prevented with timely wound care and adequate precautions. Below are some ways to prevent staph infections in children (7).

Wash any wounds immediately after they occur. Apply an antiseptic ointment and cover it with a gauze bandage. If it is a bite or burn wound, consult a doctor soon. Teach your child good personal hygiene, such as washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before and after eating, and after coming from outdoors. Image: Shutterstock Children must avoid sharing athletic equipment, clothes, towels, and napkins with other children. Teach your children not to put their hands in their mouth, eyes, or nose after visiting high-risk areas, such as a bathroom. A child must avoid close contact with children who have signs of cold, such as runny nose and cough. Always serve the child fresh, well-cooked, and hygienically-prepared food. Image: Shutterstock

There is a wound with pus that cannot be covered with a clean, dry bandage. They are unable to maintain good personal hygiene.
