Electrical safety for kids is one of the unavoidable safety measures parents should ensure when their little one begins to move. There is nothing compared to the happiness of seeing your baby taking little steps or crawling around the house. Unfortunately, cute little explorers are unaware of dangers, and they tempt them to pull or mouth everything on their reach. You have ensured child safety measures around the house. It is important as a diet in their growth. Read on to know some simple electrical safety precautions for babies at home to prevent injuries and fatalities.

Dangers Of Electricity For Kids

It is obvious that children will be curious and may not know the dangers of electricity. Teaching them the basics of electricity and electrical hazards can keep them safe from shock. Firstly, even before you caution them with tips, you should make them understand the basics that are as follows (1) :

Electricity can cause shocks, burns and even lead to mortality.

Power cords and appliances are as dangerous as electrical power lines.

Electricity can pass through water, and likewise, it can quickly pass through your body since your body contains 70% water.

Electricity tries to get into the easiest path towards the ground.

Electrical Safety Tips For Kids

All children irrespective of their age should be aware of the risks associated with electricity. You should give your little one a little info about what they should avoid (2) (3). At Home:

Make sure all the electrical wires and cords are away from the gas or any other source of heat.

Avoid having any appliance switched on and then leaving it as it is in the presence of your kid.

Make sure you unplug the appliance before cleaning it.

Keep small objects out of reach- children tend to plug them into the sockets.

Cover open sockets that are within a kid’s reach. Most kids tend to stick fingers into the outlet, which may be risky.

Remove unused wall outlets.

Apply tape over unused plug holes or cord holders.

Store electrical appliances and gadgets out of reach of children.

Never keep any appliance near a bathtub, sink or any other water source.

In The Outdoors:

Do not allow your little one to go near the vicinity of power lines.

Ensure your kids are not climbing any trees which may be close to power lines as these lines conduct electricity through the branches.

Strings of flying kites or helium filled balloons can act as conductors of electricity. Watch out for your kids when they are playing with kites in a storm or anywhere around electric cables.

Watch out for fences which may pass electricity.

Always encourage your children to play out in the open area where there are no power lines

If you are working with electrical equipment in the garden like a lawn mower, always use a RCD (residual current device).

It is preferable that you supervise your kids when they play with a remote control or any other electrical devices.

Keep your kids away from electrical substations and transformers.

Ensure they get dry when they come out of the pool.

Avoid usage of electrical appliances when close to swimming pools.

Make sure they are away from utility boxes as they have various electric connections inside

Watch out for electrical lines that may be hanging low or may be cut

When playing ball or when playing with pets make sure your kids are not near any electric substations.

As an adult do watch out for electric lines when using a ladder, chainsaw or other outdoor equipment.

Electrical Safety Rules For Kids

Apart from the above, here are some other tips to make sure your kid is safe in the home, even if you are not in the same room.

Don’t leave huge appliances like the washing machine, dishwasher, and the tumble dryer on while you are not using them. Make it a point to turn off any electrical appliances when not in use.

Keep all the cords of different appliances out of reach of your kid.

Avoid keeping electronic items (such as a hair dryer or a mobile phone) plugged in and switched on while you are not in the same room- children tend to put these things in their mouth.

Socket blanking plugs tend to be effective, but don’t solely rely on them for your child’s safety purpose.

Avoid keeping drinks near electronic appliances like gaming consoles, computers, TV, stereos, and speakers.

Make sure your kid is dry thoroughly after a bath, before they start running around and touching everything in the room.

Avoid clogging of several electrical lines into one extension as an overload may be hazardous too.

Hold the plug, not the cord, when unplugging something avoid damaging the cord.

Check electrical cords for signs of damage like fraying and cracking

Do not pinch cords in windows/ doors or under furniture

Teaching Children About Electrical Safety

1. Talk to your kids about how electricity works:

Check for the power lines in your surroundings and teach your kids about how the power company has worked to make their lines safe.

Ask to check for the downed lines from which they should be away.

Take your little one around your house and tell how power passes throughout the home by wires.

Show them how plugs function, and they should not insert anything into electrical outlets.

Outlets can be nearly irresistible to children, hence cover any unused outlets with plastic covers so that they don’t reach (4).

2. Teach kids that water makes electricity more dangerous:

Show an example, that appliance should always be unplugged before cleaning, and any electrical device should be out of any water source.

3. Watch for overloads:

Overloaded circuits are dangerous. If your kids are plugging in many devices, make sure you check them regularly. While modern circuit breakers help, there is still a risk of fire and sparking with overloaded circuits.

A lot has been done since the old days of electric power to improve its safety. Most homes are wired with Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI), which cut off power to an outlet that surges or shorts out, and other safety features. In spite of this, caution is still needed. In fact, in the United States each year, electrical shock or burns injure more than 4,000 children and kill about 25 kids under age 15.

4. Hold a family meeting:

Use a session to teach how to handle electricity safely. Be aware that kids will use and apply the knowledge differently as they grow. You need to review and teach them as they age.

With a little care and education, you and your little ones can utilize the power of electricity safely.

Other Child Electrical Safety Rules

These days there are many educational games which can be used to teach children. With the help of such games, you can teach kids some dangers when around electrical appliances.

Use story books and good stories to explain your little one about the dangers using electrical appliances could pose, especially if used in the absence of an adult.

Also, set an example for your kid by following proper electrical safety yourself.

Because we use electricity every day, children and adults alike may find it easy to forget how dangerous it can be. Staying safe can be easy if you know how to handle it. Put your safety detective skills to work in and around your home to help your family prevent electrical fires! We hope this article helped you understand about electrical safety at home for kids, and will help you make decisions for your kid’s health. If you have similar electrical safety tips for kids for our fellow readers, please share them in the section below!
