If you are expecting, you should be mindful of the foods and beverages you consume since your diet directly influences your baby’s growth. Therefore, if you enjoy carbonated beverages, here are some effects of cold drinks during pregnancy you should be aware of. Certain foods and beverages may negatively impact your baby’s development. Aerated soft drinks contain a lot of caffeine, which can be harmful to your baby since it may lead to preterm births and other perinatal complications. Moreover, consuming soft drinks in large quantities is even harmful to the general population. Therefore, many doctors believe that restricting soda consumption during pregnancy is beneficial to the mother and the baby’s health. Your doctor may allow you to drink a certain amount of carbonated or cold drinks. However, since each pregnancy is unique, you should obtain medical counsel to determine the optimal daily limit for soft drinks. So, if you are wondering whether it is okay to drink cold beverages during pregnancy, we have tried to answer your questions. Continue reading to learn more about the risks of drinking carbonated drinks during pregnancy.

Harmful Effects of Soft Drinks During Pregnancy?

Fizzy drinks or carbonated drinks are loaded with excess sugar and very few nutrients, which means you must keep their consumption at a minimum. You should also be aware of why taking such drinks on a regular basis is harmful to you.

1. Presence of caffeine

One of the sole reasons why you should avoid drinking soft drinks during pregnancy is that it contains caffeine. Studies conducted by the American Pregnancy Association reveal that pregnant females who consumes over 200mg of caffeine a day, are twice as likely to experience a miscarriage. Moreover, caffeine may also cause birth defects, preterm labor, premature delivery, reduced fertility, and low birth weight, and other reproductive problems as well (1). Hence, it is essential that you limit the intake. Moreover, caffeine can also deprive you of sleep and deplete the calcium levels in your body (2).

 2. Added colors and artificial sweeteners

Though a small percentage of artificial ingredients would not harm your baby’s health, studies reveal that huge amounts of soft drinks that have artificial flavors or colors are not advisable. Also, the presence of saccharin in some soft drinks may be harmful to the fetus owing to its carcinogenic properties (3). A few studies indicate that aspartame or sucralose is not harmful if consumed in small amounts by pregnant mothers. Make sure to read the label of the soft drinks that you buy to make sure that there are no harmful ingredients that are not good for your baby.

3. Zero nutrition and unhealthy calories

Soft drinks offer very little or no nutrition, which means that they add no value to the well-being of a pregnant mother (4). But these drinks can hike your body’s calorie levels. In short, these carbonated drinks would not offer any vitamins or minerals, which are much needed for the growth and development of your baby. If you are obsessed with fizzy stuff, a sip or two of your favorite soda occasionally would not do any harm.

 4. Aerated drinks trigger heartburn

Drinking carbonated drinks during pregnancy can cause heartburn or make it worse if you already have it, especially during the third trimester (5). If you experience a burning sensation across the chest region or just below your throat after a few minutes of consuming any aerated drink, refrain from drinking it.
