Once you are 5 weeks pregnant, you are at the beginning of the second month of pregnancy. The fifth week of pregnancy usually brings significant changes and developments. Your baby will experience rapid growth with the first organs starting to develop this week. The 5th week of pregnancy is also when you might get to know you are pregnant; moreover, you may start to notice some physical and emotional changes by the end of this week (1). Read further to explore changes, signs, developments, tips, and important points to note regarding week five of your pregnancy.

Your Body At Week Five

During this week, your belly may feel different, and you may sense that the pregnancy is just beginning. The first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. If you plan to get a pregnancy test, this week could be the right time. Your hormones may be surging now, making you feel tired, anxious, or emotional. It would be wise to talk to your physician regarding your concerns (1).

Pregnancy Symptoms During Week Five

The swiftly rising pregnancy hormones may cause noticeable pregnancy symptoms during this week. Some of the signs that may start to appear during the 5th week of pregnancy are (1) (2):

Spotting or bleeding: Some women experience light bleeding or spotting due to implantation, which happens six to twelve days after conception.

Fatigue: Early pregnancy may make you feel tired without reason. Most women feel fatigued in this week of pregnancy.

Breast tenderness: Hormonal changes early in pregnancy can make your breasts feel tender and heavy.

Morning sickness: You may feel nauseated and have the urge to vomit during the week. Morning sickness can occur anytime during the day.

Cravings: Changes in hormone levels might lead to specific food aversions and cravings in some women during pregnancy.

Changes in the sense of taste: Shift in pregnancy hormones might cause changes in taste. Some women experience a strange metallic taste during pregnancy.

Changes in the sense of smell: A heightened sense of smell is a common sign of early pregnancy in many women.

Mood changes: Mood swings and headaches could be seen in some women due to hormonal fluctuations. It may last for a few weeks after conception in some women, while others may experience it for the entire pregnancy.

Bloating: Gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, constipation, indigestion, or heartburn could be seen in some women during the initial weeks of pregnancy.

Frequent urination: Growing uterus may cause pressure on your bladder; hence you may feel the urge to urinate more frequently.

Vaginal discharge: Some women could experience a thin, white discharge from the vagina during early pregnancy. However, if you have a colored, foul-smelling vaginal discharge accompanied by inflammation or irritation, you must consult your doctor.

The pregnancy symptoms at week five may vary, and no two women may have the same symptoms in their pregnancies. However, if you feel the symptoms worsen with time, it is better to visit the doctor right away.

Baby Development At Five Weeks

Your baby, now called an embryo, is burrowed in the uterus and covered by the amniotic sac. Your little one begins to grow rapidly, and most organs start to develop in this period. Other major developments in your baby during this week include (3) (4):

The size of your baby this week is tiny, less than ¼ inch (approximately 2-3mm), and about the size of a sesame seed.

Your baby’s tiny heart starts to beat. The circulatory system develops, and the blood begins to circulate through the baby’s body.

The neural tube development begins. Eventually, the brain, spinal cord, and major nerves undergo primary developments via rapid cell divisions.

The respiratory system development is initiated, with the left and right lungs beginning to form.

The embryonic liver starts the production of blood cells, and this is the first hematopoiesis inside the embryo.

The gastrointestinal organs (intestines, pancreas, stomach, esophagus) begin to develop.

The reproductive organs and kidneys also develop.

The production of growth hormones begins with the developing endocrine system.

Other major developments seen during this week are in the eyes, limbs, and fingers.

Twin Detection At Week Five

If you have opted for assisted reproductive technologies (ART) or are of advanced maternal age, you could have increased chances of carrying twins or multiples (5). You may have a positive home pregnancy test a little early (around ten days after conception) due to high levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone during multiple pregnancies (6). However, the best way to confirm a twin pregnancy is with the aid of an ultrasound scan, which a doctor usually suggests after the 10th week of pregnancy (7). Nonetheless, in the case of a twin pregnancy, you may need more frequent checkups, scans, and enhanced prenatal care to avoid the risk of complications.

Your Checklist For The 5th Week Of Pregnancy

The 5th week is the initial and vulnerable phase of pregnancy. Therefore, you must take care of yourself to facilitate your baby’s ideal growth and development. Below are some tips to follow at your 5th week to continue a healthy pregnancy (1) (8).

1. Book a doctor’s appointment

If you have confirmed your pregnancy with a home kit, you may have to visit a doctor, who might suggest you take blood tests. Additionally, they will perform a preliminary check to study your blood pressure and body weight and enquire about your health history, past allergies, and list of medications. They may advise you about suitable diets, medications (if necessary), and supplements to start taking.

2. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption

Refrain from any unfavorable practices such as consuming alcohol, drugs, or smoking to prevent the risk of adverse pregnancy and fetal outcomes. You must also limit caffeine intake to about 200 milligrams per day (9).

3. Maintain proper hydration and a nutritious diet

Incorporate a nutritious diet plan filled with fruits, cereals, vegetables, nuts, and dairy. Avoid fried, fatty, and salty foods to avoid excess pregnancy weight gain and prevent the risk of complications. Also, ensure to stay hydrated throughout your pregnancy.

4. Take your prenatal vitamins as scheduled

If you have been advised to take prenatal vitamins (such as vitamin D, calcium, and folic acid), make sure you consume them on time to facilitate healthy fetal development. If you were taking any supplements before conceiving, inform your doctor as they may suggest a change in the dosages.

5. Choose a safe exercise regime

Staying physically active is essential for a healthy pregnancy. A ten-minute walk daily is an excellent way to begin. At the same time, you must listen to your body and choose a proper and safe exercise routine after consulting your doctor.

6. Take ample rest

Since you are in the initial stages of pregnancy, you may feel exhausted due to the sudden physical changes. Therefore, avoid doing strenuous activities and take sufficient rest.

7. Manage stress adequately

Since you have just set off on a new pregnancy journey, you may have your apprehensions and concerns. However, avoid stressing about them alone and discuss them with your partner, family, and friends, and do not hesitate to seek professional help if necessary.

8. Plan to make an announcement

If you are ecstatic to have spotted a positive pregnancy test and confirmed your pregnancy with your doctor, you may start planning how and when to announce this amazing news to your friends and family.

Ultrasound At 5 Weeks

Most physicians suggest that you wait until at least the sixth week before your first pregnancy scan. This is because hardly any part of your fetus would be visible before six weeks (10). However, a few studies have shown that an early scan (usually transvaginal) could be indicated in some cases if a woman had a prior medical history of pregnancy-related complications or reported symptoms, such as pain or bleeding, in early pregnancy (11).

When To Seek Immediate Medical Care At 5 Weeks

You may visit your doctor at week five to confirm your pregnancy. However, certain signs and complications may need immediate medical attention in early pregnancy (12).

Increased vaginal bleeding: Although minor spotting or bleeding could be a common symptom during early pregnancy, an increased or persistent vaginal bleeding must be evaluated as it might indicate several underlying complications such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Severe abdominal cramps or pain: Some women may experience mild cramping that generally resolves with time. However, if you experience severe cramping or lower abdominal pain, accompanied by discharge or bleeding, it may be a sign of miscarriage, infection, or ectopic pregnancy.

Excessive vomiting: Although nausea and vomiting are typical signs of early pregnancy, in some cases, vomiting may become severe and constant, requiring medical intervention. Contact your doctor if you have several bouts of vomiting since, when left uncontrolled, it could lead to dehydration and other complications.

While you may find out about your conception when you are five weeks pregnant, you may further confirm it with a blood test with your doctor’s consent. Also, if you have a medical history of complicated pregnancies or any concerns regarding your symptoms, do not delay in communicating the same to your healthcare provider. Furthermore, it is worth noting some critical factors and tips that could aid in the healthy progression of your pregnancy. You should also avoid uncooked and undercooked meat, poultry, and unpasteurized dairy products since they can cause foodborne illnesses. Hot tubs and saunas are unsafe since they may increase your body temperature. Also, avoid cleaning cat litter boxes during pregnancy (13).
