If you are three months pregnant, it is the completion of your first trimester. However, there is still a long way to go in your pregnancy journey. In order to make that journey as easy and smooth as possible, you should start prenatal check-ups in the third month and keep up with all of your prenatal care. This post discusses the precautions you should take, the physical changes you should expect, and your baby’s growth throughout the third month of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms and physical changes in the third month of pregnancy?

You might notice the following pregnancy symptoms and changes in your body during the third month.


You need not have to worry about the above issues if they are mild because minor health problems are as common as physical changes that happen during this time.

Physical changes by the end of the first trimester

While the body does undergo a lot of changes, the first change would be your belly size. So, that brings us to the question…

How big is your belly in the third month?

By the third month of pregnancy, your uterus is about the size of a grapefruit. It is lifted up into the abdomen area and covers the whole pelvic area (4). Besides the belly, there are other physical changes as mentioned below.

Baby’s Development In The Third Month Of Pregnancy

You can feel and experience the changes happening to your body but it is too early to feel the baby’s movement in the third month. In the absence of any signals from your baby, you might be curious to know what is happening inside. Here, we help you imagine about your baby.

How Big Is Your Baby In The Third Month?

By the third month, your baby is the size of a ripe plum or lime. At the end of the third month, your baby is about 3.5 inches long and weighs around 1.5 ounces (7). Let’s now see how the various parts are developing in this month. By this time, the embryo gets settled inside the uterus and the organs start developing: If you are carrying twins, the development of the twin fetuses will be the same as above. Third month is also the time when your regular doctor-visits begin.

What To Expect During Your Ob/Gyn Visit?

Your doctor will take details of your health history and that of your parents’. They will ask you about any conditions that you must have suffered in the past. Also:

Your weight and blood pressure are checked.

The doctor will measure the size of the abdomen to estimate the size and the fundal height of the uterus.

Lab tests

Nuchal translucency (NT) ultrasound test is done to examine the thickness of the fluid in the area at the back of the fetal neck. Also known as the ‘12-week scan’ (9), the test assesses any risk of abnormality in the fetus. If the thickness of the fluid is more than normal, it could indicate chromosomal conditions such as Down syndrome and trisomy 13 and trisomy 18.

Maternal serum (blood) tests are two tests used to determine two substances in the blood — pregnancy-associated plasma protein screening (PAPP-A) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

PAPP-A determines the abnormal levels of a protein produced by the placenta in early pregnancy, to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

HCG levels help indicate if the pregnancy is progressing normally.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is another test carried out in the 11th week of pregnancy to check for Down syndrome or any other chromosomal abnormalities. During the procedure, a small tissue sample is collected from the placenta for analysis.

While these are the tests done by collecting urine, blood or placental samples, the ultrasound is done to have a look at the fetus – your first glimpse of your baby.

Ultrasound During The Third Month

The ultrasound scanning helps measure the amniotic fluid parameters and the position of the placenta in the uterus.

Is it possible to detect neural tube defect during the third month?

It is possible to detect spina bifida through an ultrasound during the 11th-13th week of the gestational period. Spina bifida or neural tube defect (NTD) is a congenital malformation where the neural tube around the spine fails to close due to genetic and environmental factors. NTD can be detected during the first trimester but it is more accurate in the second trimester (11). Tests and ultrasound scans are done to detect any health risks for you and the baby. A healthy mother gives birth to a healthy baby. Therefore, it is needless to say that you need to take care of your health during the nine months leading to the birth of your baby.

12 To-Do Tips For A Healthy Third-Month Pregnancy

With the morning sickness gone, this is a good time to focus on healthy eating and being fit. Here is the to-do list for the third month: Before you begin exercising, it is important to know about the workouts that are safe for you during this phase.

Exercises you can do in the third month

Here are a few exercises you can do to stay fit during the third month. Note: Wear breathable clothes and supportive bras while exercising.

If you are having fatigue and morning sickness, then a morning walk is the best and refreshing exercise for you. It helps uplift your mood and increases the blood flow in the body.

Swimming (13) stretches and tones your muscles and increases blood circulation (11) .

Pilate exercise builds strength and helps increase flexibility during pregnancy.

Low-impact aerobics strengthen the heart, tone the muscles, and provide you relief from body aches.

You can perform certain yoga asanas that are safe for you and your baby. Attend professional yoga classes rather than doing at home without any guidance.

If you follow the right diet and exercises, the third month gets completed smoothly, paving the way for a disciplined routine throughout your pregnancy. However, along with the things to do, there are some things that you should not do during the third month.

Don’ts During Third-Month Pregnancy

If you are doing any of these activities, then stop doing them now: You will get the motivation to do the right things and not do the wrong ones, if you can get your partner also involved in it.

Tips For Dad-To-Be

Pregnancy is the responsibility of the dad-to-be as well. Take care of your wife during this time and you will be glad you did that. Here are some tips for a dad-to-be:

Your partner must be feeling weak. Help her with household tasks during this time.

She might cut down her social interactions to take care of herself; therefore, you can support her by being around and indulging in some pregnancy planning.

She might experience mood swings due to hormonal changes. Make her feel good by being positive, and supportive.

You will want to feel your baby’s movement. Though it is too early for that, you could make your baby familiar with your voice.

Plan a babymoon vacation and enjoy this special time with your partner.

The third month is a crucial time in your pregnancy. The end of the first trimester usually ends several of your early pregnancy problems such as nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. It gives a shape to your pregnancy and that is why elders suggest that we need to wait till the third month before making the announcement. Let’s now answer some questions that might be coming up on your mind frequently. Do you have any more questions to ask? Let us know in the comment section below.
