How Many Months Pregnant Are You At 23 Weeks?

At 23 weeks, you are in the sixth month of pregnancy and will be entering the third trimester in a few weeks.

How Big Is Your Baby At 23 Weeks?

This week, your baby is about the size of a large mango (1). The baby measures 11.38in (28.9cm) in length and weighs 1.1lb (501g) (2).

Baby Development In The 23rd week

The baby’s movements are prominent this week, and you can feel the kicks. The baby’s body parts also continue to develop this week. With these developments, you will notice specific pregnancy symptoms this week.

What Symptoms Of Pregnancy Do You Experience In The 23rd Week?

Symptoms you experience in the 23rd week are:

Weight gain: An average weight gain of one to two pounds per week during the second trimester of pregnancy is considered safe, as recommended by the American Pregnancy Association (APA) (9). However, in case of women with BMI less than 18.5 and greater than 24.9, the recommended weight gain rates usually range between 0.5 and one pound.

Edema or water retention causes slight swelling in feet and ankles.

The growing fetus demands more nourishment that increases your appetite and makes you feel hungry all the time.

Due to hormonal changes, the nasal membranes cause increased secretion of the mucus causing nasal congestion.

Nasal congestion due to swollen mucus membrane leads to snoring.

The pressure put by the growing uterus on the bladder increases the frequency of urination (10).

The extra weight of the baby puts more pressure on the lower back causing a backache. It may be more painful in women carrying multiple babies.

The hormonal fluctuations cause swelling, loosening, or bleeding of the gums (11).

Progesterone relaxes the gastrointestinal tract and slows down the digestion process. So the food stays in the tract for a long time, making you feel bloated.

Swelling during pregnancy puts pressure on the nerves in the wrists and hand, causing a tingling in the hands, also called carpal tunnel syndrome.

The increased blood flow in the lower body causes the veins in the legs to swell up, resulting in varicose veins (12). Dehydration or staying hungry can lead to occasional headaches and giddiness. These symptoms bring in emotional and physical changes in you (10).

Changes In The Body At 23 Weeks

Here are some physical and emotional changes you may experience this week:

Physical changes:

Enlarged belly with a protruding belly button

Stretch marks Discoloration of skin, as some dark patches develop due to increased melanin. Linea nigra also gets darker. Aerola become darker and bigger.

Emotional changes:

Anxiety Mood swings

If you experience any other changes that are not typical of pregnancy, call the doctor.

When To Call The Doctor

Call your doctor right away in the case of (11):

A contraction, period-like pain in every 10 minutes (five or more in an hour) Fluid leak from the vagina, due to rupture of the amniotic sac Period-like cramps A low and dull backache

Pelvic pressure Abdominal cramps with or without diarrhea An unusual increase in vaginal discharge Blood from vagina

Some of these symptoms or others may indicate preterm labor. Next, find out how to identify the signs and symptoms of preterm labor at 23 weeks (13).

Your OB/GYN Visit

During the prenatal visit the doctor will check:

Weight Blood pressure Fetal heart rate with a fetoscope

ECG cardiac check up 

An ultrasound may also be done to get comprehensive details of the fetal anatomy. However, it may not give details about all the organs. It detects any congenital defects or abnormalities in the fetus (12). Based on the tests, the doctor will tell you about any changes needed in your diet or lifestyle. You should also continue to take care of yourself at home so that the pregnancy progresses smoothly.

Tips For Mom-To-Be

Here are the tips to follow for a healthy pregnancy:

Drink fluids to stay hydrated. Eat home cooked food. Include salmon, pollock, and anchovies, which are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid fishes such as tilefish, shark, swordfish and king mackerel that have high levels of mercury. Stay calm and avoid any stress. Take vitamin supplements with folic acid and iron (recommended dosage 27 mg daily) (13). Avoid smoking, drugs, alcohol consumption and excess caffeine. Get enough rest. Indulge in mild exercises like walking to stay energetic.

Maintain oral hygiene. Wear loose, breathable clothes. Do not take any medication without the doctor’s permission. Do not clean the cat litter, to avoid toxoplasmosis. Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals. Avoid laptop operation on the lap, reduce mobile phone usage.

Take your partner’s help to make life a little more comfortable at this time.

Tips For Dad-To-Be

Here’s what your partner can do:

Create a welcoming environment at home. Help you with the daily household chores. Go with you to all the prenatal visits. Go shopping for maternal items. Plan a dinner date. Give you a good neck and foot massage if needed.
