If your little bundle of joy has started eating solids, you may have considered including fish in their diet. However, to ensure you introduce this protein to them in an age-appropriate manner, you should find the right fish recipes for babies. Fish is known to be highly beneficial for children and adults (1). It contains high amounts of vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids, which are important for the adequate development of your baby’s brain and eyes. They also contain high levels of proteins without saturated fat content. However, it is a well-known fact that introducing new foods to babies and children is not easy. So how should you go about it? Read on for a list of healthy, simple, and delicious fish recipes that you can try making for your baby.

When To Include Fish In Your Baby’s Diet?

When it comes to fish, there is a cacophony of expert voices! Some say wait till your baby is one before you introduce fish while others prefer waiting till the baby turns three. This is because fish is a known allergen. If your baby is prone to allergies, it is better to wait till she is one. But if your baby shows no sign of allergies, you can introduce her to fish by six months of age (2)! But if you are thinking of shellfish and crustaceans such as lobster, oysters, etc. do consult your baby’s pediatrician first!

What Fish To Start With?

If you have decided to go ahead and give your baby a taste of fish, start with “white flesh” fish types. Some safe varieties of fish for your baby are:

Flounder Haddock Cod

All these varieties are easy to digest and healthy for your baby.

Is Your Baby Allergic To Fish?

When you introduce any new food to your baby, look out for allergy symptoms. The same case applies to fish. Symptoms to watch out for (3):

Swelling of the tongue, lips, and face Skin rash Wheezing Vomiting

If your baby reacts with any of these symptoms, go to your pediatrician. Are you looking for ways on how to cook fish for baby, make sure to de-bone it completely. This is the most important part of cooking fish for baby.

Fish Recipes For Babies

There are a number of ways you can cook fish. You can poach, bake, or steam the fish. You can also add veggies and fruits to make it more delicious. Okay, don’t get confused! We have come up with a few easy to make, lip smacking fish recipes. Your baby will love them, for sure!

1. Mashed Fish:

Wholesome and easy to make – this fish recipe for baby is a winner! Ingredients:

One filet of any fish 1/8 cup 2% or whole milk One tablespoon melted butter 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 cup mashed peas 1/8 cup mashed carrots 1/8 cup mashed potatoes

How To Make: 

De-bone the fish. Now, cook the fish by steaming, poaching or baking. Shred the cooked fish to pieces to ensure all bones have been removed. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend or dice. Toss all the ingredients together and serve!

2. Oven Baked Plaice:

Put your oven to good use and make some yummy fish for your little angel! Ingredients:

One plaice filet, skinned 2 tomatoes 1/2 tsp unsalted butter Four fl oz (1/2 cup) milk One bay leaf 1 potato

How To Make:

Preheat oven to180 degree C. Put plaice in an oven safe dish and place the tomato, butter and bay leaf on top. Pour in 3/4 of the milk. Cover and cook for 20 minutes. Simultaneously, boil the potato and mash with the remaining milk and butter. Mash the fish and puree it along with the milk from cooking. Combine with the mashed potato and serve.

If your baby takes to fish, you are one step closer to raising a foodie! But in case of allergic reactions, stop immediately and consult your doctor. Fish can sometimes cause severe allergic reaction that can even prove fatal. Many varieties of fish are also known to contain mercury. So, stick with white flesh fish to prevent mercury poisoning.

 If your baby is exclusively breastfed, introduce fish to them only after six months Choose fish with low mercury content Check the local or state advisory before feeding your baby any fish caught locally Remove the bones carefully before offering fish to your baby as it may cause choking hazards Puree the fish meat before giving it to your baby Always offer well-cooked fish to your baby
