Choosing healthy, iron-rich foods for kids and adding them to their meals is essential. Iron is a vital nutrient growing children need for several physiological functions, such as brain development. Most healthy children can fulfill their daily iron needs from a well-balanced diet. Yet, iron deficiency among children is common and can evolve into iron deficiency anemia (IDA) if neglected for a prolonged time. IDA can affect a child’s growth and cause learning or behavioral problems, affecting their quality of life (1). Read on as we tell you about the functions of iron and the nutritious, iron-rich foods children can safely consume.

Why Is Iron Important For Children?

Iron performs several functions in the body, such as the production of blood cells (hematopoiesis). It also performs the following functions (2).

Binds to globin protein and forms hemoglobin that transports oxygen from the lungs to the entire body Enables metabolism and converts blood glucose or sugar into energy Supports production of certain hormones Acts as a component of certain enzymes involved in collagen production, and synthesis of some neurotransmitters Facilitates proliferation and maturation of immune cells and supports immune system functioning

Also, iron is crucial for the proper brain development and cognitive functioning of a child.

How Much Iron Do Children Need?

Knowing your child’s daily iron needs is crucial to prevent its deficiency and excess. Here’s how much iron a child needs for their age (3). Source: Dietary Guidelines For Americans 20120-2025 Excess iron or iron overload is as harmful as iron deficiency. When a child has excess iron, their body stores the extra iron in different organs, such as the liver, heart, and endocrine glands (4). Chronic iron deposition can cause life-threatening diseases and disorders over time. Excess iron in children due to dietary intake is highly unlikely. Nevertheless, it is good to know the right amount of iron your child needs and from where you can get it.

What Foods Are Rich In Iron?

Consuming various foods from different food groups is the best way to provide sufficient iron to your child and prevent iron deficiency anemia. Food offers two types of iron, heme and non-heme iron. Depending on your dietary habits (vegetarian, non-vegetarian, or vegan), you can select nutrient-dense, iron-rich foods from the following list.

Heme Iron-Rich Foods

Animal-origin foods, such as meat, poultry, and seafood, are a good source of heme iron. Heme iron is more bioavailable than non-heme iron and has an absorption rate of about 20 percent, irrespective of how you prepare and serve the food (5). Here are some heme iron-rich foods you can add to your child’s diet.

Non-Heme Iron-Rich Foods

Non-heme iron is less easily absorbed than heme iron. However, you can enhance its bioavailability by serving non-heme iron foods with vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits, vitamin C-rich veggies like tomatoes or bell peppers and fortified orange juice (12).

How To Include Iron In Your Child’s Diet?

Here are a few tips to include iron-rich foods in your child’s daily diet.
