Most women naturally go into labor when they reach their due date. However, a doctor may need to speed up labor if a mother has passed her due date and still has no labor pains. Alternatively, when a mother has medical conditions like obstetric cholestasis (bile acid buildup), pregnancy-induced hypertension, PUPPP or pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (itchy skin rashes peculiar to appear in late pregnancy) that can affect her or her baby’s health in any way, labor induction becomes necessary. Keep reading as we tell you about the different ways to speed up your labor under medical supervision.

When Would You Ideally Go Into Labor?

You are likely to get labor pains sometimes after 37 weeks as the fetus attains maturity after 37 weeks. Although pregnant mothers feel tightening of the tummy somewhere after the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, they are not intense and painful and do not come at regular intervals. After around 37 weeks or more commonly at 39 or 40 weeks, the pains occur every 20 minutes, which is when you should go to the hospital. It is normal even if labor pains start a few days beyond the estimated delivery date. One can wait even until 42 weeks, but waiting beyond the delivery date would mandate close fetal monitoring with tests called nonstress test (NST) and sonography for the amniotic fluid index. The potential problem of prolonged pregnancy is the placenta may lose its capacity to nourish the baby. When you reach 41 weeks, your doctor may propose the following solutions.

Medical induction of labor Cesarean section (especially if the fetus status is already weak, there is reduced growth, or a lack of amniotic fluid) Monitoring the pregnancy (ultrasound scans) every two days till the 42nd week, waiting for the labor to begin naturally

When Do You Need to Initiate or Accelerate Labor?

Labor is induced when the mother has not developed labor pains yet or is in the very early stages of labor and the cervix has not opened or minimally opened. Labor needs to be induced if the mother develops certain conditions as mentioned earlier in the post. Labor is accelerating when the mother is already in active labor (which means the cervix is already opened). Acceleration of labor is done when the uterine contractions are poor and the cervical dilatation or opening of the cervix is not happening at the expected rate. The expected rate of dilation is around 1.2cm to 1.5cm per hour till it reaches full dilatation, which is 10cm. But if that does not happen and the cervix is dilating slowly, it is considered as slow labor and needs to be accelerated or hastened.

Can You Initiate or Accelerate Labor Without Medical Assistance?

Yes, it is possible and there are several ways to achieve this. However, it can also be done with medications.

Natural Ways To Speed Up Labor

At-home methods work most of the time, but not always. You can try and see if they will work for you. Some natural ways to speed up labor include:

Spleen-6, located approximately four-finger width above the inner ankle bone (inside of your ankles) (8).

Large intestine-4, located between the thumb and index finger on the backside of the hand (9).

Gallbladder-21, located slightly lateral to the spine and lies in the middle of the spinal process (10).

Applying pressure on these points will also help subside the pain. Stephanie Larson, a birth expert from St Louis, Missouri, says, “Studies have shown that you can speed up labor by being upright instead of lying down. By being out of bed and moving during labor, you may be able to skip the pushing phase of labor entirely and feel the baby coming out without any pushing. “Typically, the best positions to speed up labor are out of bed, upright, and forward-leaning, such as standing and leaning forward against a partner. These positions also enable movement, such as swaying side to side, which can help the baby obtain a favorable position for birth.” Check with your doctor or midwife before trying any of the above natural ways to speed up labor. You can also try some exercises to speed up labor and make the process less painful.

Exercises To Speed Up Labor

If walking or other mild movements are not enough for stimulating contractions, you should try a few specific exercises such as:

1. Squats:

They open up the pelvis, allowing the baby to put pressure on the cervix and promoting dilation. To squat, stand in an upright position, with the back straight and gradually lower yourself. Move down until you feel a burning sensation in the tummy. Now, get back to the standing position by pushing up the upper body. Keep your feet in a parallel position and have sufficient support when doing this (16).

2. Birth ball exercises:

Spending time on an exercise ball will help induce labor. Sitting on the ball or rolling it to and fro while sitting on it, helps relax the hip and lower back muscles. Merely bouncing up and down makes the baby descend towards the pelvic region. These ball movements will make delivery effortless and quick. But make sure there is somebody to hold you while you are exercising.

3. Toilet sitting:

This will work wonders. Whether you are actually using the commode (to empty the bladder for making room for the baby to descend) or just sitting over it, this position helps in speeding up the labor (17).

4. Labor lunges:

Labor lunges are different from regular lunges. In this, you will open one leg and place it sideways. You can set your foot on a low chair or stool. Lunge (bend the knees) for some time and repeat with the other side. It helps the baby descend into the pelvic region (16).

Remember to check with your doctor before doing any of these exercises. Also, always have someone to help you with these exercises.

Medical Ways To Speed Up Labor

In most cases, medical intervention is ideal. The doctor uses any of the options mentioned below to promote contractions and thus speed up the labor.

Misoprostol and dinoprostone are the commonly used prostaglandins. Enzyme hyaluronidase is also used in some cases (19).

Synthetic oxytocin called Pitocin is another drug that is administered through IV to contractions and speed up labor (18).

Adverse environmental factors such as bright lights, interruptions, and a lack of privacy Administration of an epidural Getting into a warm tub Being hungry, thirsty, or exhausted Baby not being in a good position
